After D:hive

D:hive was designed as a three year project in 2012. Its welcome center provided individuals with the information and resources to live, work, engage or build a business in the city. Over three years, D:hive launched multiple programs and assisted countless visitors and existing Detroiters at its location in downtown Detroit. Its success led to the formation of two new organizations in 2015 - the Detroit Experience Factory and Build Institute - which continue to carry D:hive’s mission forward.

In this book, you’ll read about the people, programs, and values that made D:hive an inspiring place to so many. There are numerous lessons to be learned from this journey, several of which are detailed throughout these pages. Hopefully, the stories and insight imparted here will fuel innovators and doers everywhere. At its core, D:hive was about making connections between people and that means each and every one of you.

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Detroit Experience Factory

Formerly D:hive’s tours program, this organization creates experiences that are enlightening, entertaining and led by Detroiters in order to demonstrate that Detroit is an exceptional place to live, work, and play.

Go to the DXF Website →

Build Institute

Previously D:hive’s Build program, this organization trains people to turn their business ideas into reality by providing them with the necessary tools, resources, and support network in Detroit.

Go to the Build Website →

Good Done Daily

Previously D:hive’s Build program, this organization trains people to turn their business ideas into reality by providing them with the necessary tools, resources, and support network in Detroit.

Go to the Good Done Daily Website →